

Are Solar Panels Safe for Your Roof?
Workers Installing Solar Panels on House Roof
House roof with solar panel system

More and more homeowners are considering going solar these days, but there is a genuine concern about damage to the roof that solar panels may potentially cause. Well, not only are solar panels completely safe for your roof when installed properly, but they can even make your roof last longer. 

Let’s check out everything you need to know about the impact of installing solar panels on your roof.

How Are Solar Panels Installed on Your Roof?

If you’re not an expert on the structural makeup of your home or the solar installation process — as most of us are not — it is understandable to experience a bit of architectural anxiety when considering attaching some sizable objects to a crucial structural feature. 

The roof installation process, however, is quite harmless. While most solar roof installations require holes, the installers take great pains to ensure the structure remains sound and leak-free. 

The holes are for lag bolts that are required to secure the solar panel racking. Bolt fixtures are resistant to extreme weather and surrounded by tar-sealed flashing under the roof tile followed by an additional sealant.

Home exterior

Can Solar Panels Damage Your Roof

When installed properly by experienced installation experts, no, your roof should remain perfectly safe and uncompromised by the solar panel system. 

Aside from the carefully sealed bolt fixtures that secure the solar panels, homeowners tend to worry about the additional weight added to the roof. What the average homeowner is not aware of is that most residential roofs are capable of holding between 20 and 100 pounds of extra weight per square foot — much more than would be added by up to 30 solar panels.

How Long Do Roofs Typically Last?

The lifespan of a residential roof is mainly determined by regular maintenance and materials. The average residential asphalt shingle roof can last between 15 and 30 years while some of the more expensive roofing materials can last much longer when properly maintained.

Can Solar Panels Extend the Life of Your Roof?

Yes! Solar panels on your roof actually add extra protection from the sun and elements that affect the longevity of your roof. 

Solar panels absorb harmful sun rays that can dry out and bleach your roofing materials over time. Likewise — since your roof is not directly absorbing sunlight — your house can maintain a significantly cooler temperature. This is a great bonus during the hot summer months to further drive down electric costs and requirements that are already offset by the solar panel system.

If you live in a colder region that is prone to seasonal ice and snowfall, your solar panels will protect your roof from any damage that may be caused by those wintry weather conditions.

Newly build houses with solar panels attached on roof against a sunny sky Close up of solar pannel

Get Solar Panels for Your Roof Today!

Knowing that your roof will not only be safe, but can actually benefit from a solar panel installation, looking into a roof solar panel system is an easy choice. If you are still uneasy about the installation process, Contact Gurr Brothers Roofing today for a free inspection and solar installation consultation!

Written By: Hunter S.

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